Harry Potter hub story

 Are you ready to discover the wizarding world with Harry Potter?  Then the Starting Harry Potter hub is here to guide you on your first journey.

The Starting Harry Potter hub is a free online collection of family-friendly activities, including videos, puzzles, quizzes, crafting ideas, articles and much more. Collated with children, teachers and carers in mind, the Starting Harry Potter hub is the official first stop as new readers embark on their first journey into the wizarding world alongside Harry himself. With it, our hope it to inspire children to read for pleasure, as they read or listen to the stories for the first time and help to bring some magic-infused joy and entertainment to all the family. This hub is all about helping imaginations spark as bright as a magic wand!

The Starting Harry Potter hub is a magical guide for new readers or listeners as they step into the wizarding world for the first time and is the perfect accompaniment to their introduction to Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s/Sorcerer’s Stone. With an array of ever-changing content, we’ll introduce characters with ‘Who’s Who’ guides, share tips for first-time readers or listeners and set challenges with crafting videos, quizzes and wordsearches all primarily focused on the first book. And we won’t be doing it alone! Our wonderful friends at Harry Potter’s UK and US publishers – Bloomsbury and Scholastic – will be helping us to provide fun and educational articles as well as activities for the hub. And don’t forget, new fans will also be able enjoy our ultimate Harry Potter experience – being sorted into their Hogwarts house!

While you’re on WizardingWorld.com, how about signing up to the Harry Potter Fan Club newsletter for free (you may need an adult to help you do this)? As a Harry Potter Fan Club member, you’ll be among the first to receive the latest wizarding world news, events, activities, exclusives access and more – straight into your inbox.

And a final word from us – we hope you love Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s/Sorcerer’s Stone as much as we do, and that this hub helps you along your magical way. Welcome to the Wizarding World family, your journey is only just beginning! And don’t worry, Harry will be standing by your side all the way.


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