Harry Potter Book Describes

 Herry potter Book 

Harry Potter has never played a game while flying on a broomstick. He's never worn a Cloak of Invisibility, become friends with a half-monster, or aided incubate a mythical serpent. All Harry knows is a hopeless existence with the Dursleys: his frightful auntie and uncle and their detestable child, Dudley. Harry's room is a little Cupboard Under the Stairs, he hasn't hosted a birthday get-together in ten years, and his birthday present is his uncle's old socks. 

Yet, all that is going to change when a baffling letter shows up by owl courier. A letter with a solicitation to a great spot he never imagined existed. There he discovers not just companions, flying games, and wizardry everywhere, except an incredible fate that has been sitting tight for him... in the event that Harry can endure the experience." 

As of recently there's been no enchantment for Harry Potter. He lives with the hopeless Dursleys and their loathsome child, Dudley. Harry's room is a small storeroom underneath the steps, and he hasn't hosted a birthday get-together in ten years. Then, at that point a puzzling letter shows up by owl courier. A letter with a solicitation to a mind blowing place called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There he discovers not just companions, flying games on broomsticks, and wizardry in everything from classes to suppers. 

Harry Potter thinks he is a standard kid - until he is safeguarded by an insect peered toward goliath of a man, enlists at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, figures out how to play Quidditch, and fights in a destructive duel. The Reason, Harry Potter is a wizard!" 

Harry Potter as a child 

Section 1: The Boy Who Lived 

Individuals meeting covertly everywhere on the nation to offer a toast to Harry 


Vernon and Petunia Dursley, of Number Four Privet Drive (in Little Whinging, Surrey), are glad to say that they are totally typical. They are the last individuals you'd hope to be associated with anything abnormal or baffling, in light of the fact that they simply don't hold with such garbage. Vernon is the overseer of a drill-production firm called Grunnings, and Petunia keeps house and raises their one-year-old child Dudley. 

On Tuesday, 1 November 1981, the Dursleys start the day by tattling about their neighbors while Petunia wrestles their baby into his high seat. None of them notice a huge brownish owl going by their window, yet Vernon sees the dark-striped feline perusing a guide and a road sign external their home. He compels himself to fail to remember the sight, however after showing up around, he sees huge gatherings of individuals wearing shrouds. He snoops on them and hears them discussing "the Potters and their child Harry." Vernon tracks down this shocking on the grounds that the Potters are his parents in law, and he and Petunia wouldn't need anybody to get some answers concerning them. 

At the point when he goes home by the day's end, he catchs a little man wearing a shroud, yet when he attempts to apologize, the man embraces him and reveals to him that even muggles like him ought to praise today since "You-Know-Who" has been crushed. 

Vernon gets back to discover the feline actually holding up there, and it possibly gives him a harsh look when he attempts to shoo it away. The news is loaded with unexplained owl sightings and light shows, and Vernon apprehensively inquires as to whether she has heard from her sister as of late. Petunia is vexed, yet she reveals to him that she hasn't heard from her sister and that their nephew's name is "Harry." Vernon's heart sinks. He thinks that its hard to nod off that evening yet ultimately oversees it. 

After the Dursleys nod off, Albus Dumbledore shows up in the center of Privet Drive and siphons away the light from the streetlights with his Deluminator. He welcomes the feline who has gone the entire day holding up outside as "Teacher McGonagall," and the feline transforms into a human lady. They examine the passings of James and Lily Potter on account of Lord Voldemort at the Potter bungalow in Godric's Hollow and how their child Harry phenomenally endure the assault while Voldemort has apparently kicked the bucket. 

Rubeus Hagrid shows up riding a flying motorbike and shipping child Harry. He hands him over to Dumbledore, who leaves the dozing child and a letter to the Dursleys on the doorstep of Number Four. The three wizards are troubled to leave the stranded child with his family members, yet they just give themselves a second to grieve before they drive themselves to leave. Hagrid says he will return the motorbike to its proprietor, youthful Sirius Black; McGonagall resumes her feline structure and sneaks around the bend at the opposite finish of the road, and Dumbledore reestablishes the lights to the streetlights and says goodbye to Harry prior to evaporating suddenly and completely. 

Harry turns over inside his heap of covers, and his little hand closes on the letter as he rests on. He doesn't realize that he is uncommon and renowned, that he will be woken up the following morning by his auntie's shout when Petunia opens the front way to put out the milk bottles, that he will spend the following not many weeks being pushed and squeezed by his cousin Dudley, or that at the present time, individuals meeting stealthily everywhere on the nation are toasting, "To Harry Potter - the kid who lived!" 

Part 2: The Vanishing Glass 

Auntie Petunia frequently said that Dudley resembled a child holy messenger - Harry regularly said that Dudley resembled a pig in a hairpiece. 


Ten years pass since the Dursleys have awoken to discover Harry Potter lying close to home, and Privet Drive and the Dursleys' home has not changed since that day. The lone distinction is the huge number of pictures of Dudley Dursley for the duration of his life. There is no sign that Harry Potter lives there, in any case, in the Cupboard Under the Stairs, Harry dozes, in an extremely confined space with a great deal of arachnids. Petunia goes to his entryway and wakes him with a deafening voice. Harry is attempting to consider the fantasy he had been having. It was about a flying motorbike, and he thinks he has had a similar dream previously. Auntie Petunia advises him to make some bacon, as she needs everything ideal for Dudley's eleventh birthday celebration. Harry dresses into a couple of Dudley's old garments and goes into the kitchen, where the table is shrouded in Dudley's presents. 

Harry has dark black hair and green eyes. His glasses are held together by tape on the grounds that Dudley has crushed them so often. What recognizes Harry from others the most is the lightning-formed scar on his brow. He frequently considers how he got it and the Dursleys have revealed to him that he got it from the auto accident that executed Harry's folks. Harry doesn't discover substantially more about the mishap however in light of the fact that the Dursleys' first standard is to not pose inquiries. Dudley comes into the kitchen and starts to check his presents, just to discover a day and a half, he furiously reviews is one less than the prior year. Auntie Petunia expresses that they will get him two new presents while they are out. Vernon reveals to Petunia that their neighbor Arabella Figg, a Squib, has broken her leg and can't deal with Harry while they are at the zoo. They can't consider any other person who can deal with him, so Harry needs to go with them. 

Dudley is permitted to take a companion to the zoo and picks his companion Piers Polkiss. Wharfs goes to the house with his mom. A half-hour after the fact, Harry sits in the vehicle with Dudley, Piers, Vernon, and Petunia. In transit, a motorbike overwhelms them and Vernon whines about them. Harry comments that he had a fantasy about a flying motorbike once and Vernon snappily advises him that motorbikes don't fly. Harry ponders every one of the unusual things that have happened to him: He once turned his instructor's hairpiece blue, bounced onto the school smokestack, and developed the entirety of his hair back the morning after a hair style. At the zoo, Dudley and Piers discover the creatures exhausting. Harry is left to watch a Boa constrictor as it dozes and, when Dudley attempts to make it move, it awakens yet doesn't move. The snake starts to move after Dudley and Piers sneak away. Minutes after the fact, Harry addresses the snake and finds that it supernaturally gets him. Wharfs gets back to Dudley and Vernon to the snake's display after understanding that it is presently moving. Dudley pushes Harry far removed (he lands 'hard on the substantial floor'), and presses his face against the glass. Harry loses control and by one way or another the glass evaporates and the snake gets out frightening Dudley and Piers. As the snake crawls away, Harry feels that he hears it talk back to him. Wharfs bigmouths on Harry that he had been conversing with the snake and Uncle Vernon sends him to his pantry – without any suppers for seven days as brutal discipline. 

Section 3: The Letters from No One 

Vernon Dursley taking Harry's letter from him 


Since the time the boa constrictor got away from the zoo, Harry was secured his cabinet for the most extensive length of time ever. At the point when Harry is at long last permitted out, it's the start of the late spring occasions. Despite the fact that he isn't at school, Harry actually can't get away from Dudley and his posse, who routinely visit the house. To keep out of their way, Harry generally meanders around Privet Drive. He is happy, in any case, that Dudley and Piers are going to Smeltings Academy, while Harry will go to Stonewall High. One day throughout the late spring, Harry is advised to get the post for Uncle Vernon. At the point when Harry goes to get the mail, there are three letters: a postcard from Uncle Vernon's sister, who is on vacation in the Isle of Wight, a letter that resembles a bill, and a letter for Harry. Harry takes the letter, considers the yellow material it is made of, then, at that point peruses the location: 

Mr H. Potter 

The Cupboard Under the Stairs 

4, Privet Drive 

Little Whinging 


Harry can barely handle it. He has never had a letter in his life. On the back there is a wax seal with a Lion, Snake, Badger and Eagle encompassing a H. Harry gets back to the kitchen and gives Uncle Vernon the other two letters as he plunks down and begins to open the


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